1978 + 1979 Frank Zappa Mixed 8 Disc 1 - 77.25 1 Opening Solo 11.25 78-Oct-13 (late) 2 Easy Meat 5.39 " 3 Bamboozled By Love 3.31 " 4 Suicide Chump 4.02 " 5 Yo Mama 10.02 " 6 Black Napkins 16.37 " 7 Muffin Man 3.58 " 8 Conehead 11.21 78-Oct-15 (early) 9 Treacherous Cretins 6.27 79-Feb-23 10 Watermelon In Easter Hay 4.19 " 78-Oct-13: Capitol Theatre - Passaic, NJ (late show) 78-Oct-15: SUNY - Stony Brook, NY (early show) 79-Feb-23: Nouvel Hippodrome - Paris, France Notes on this material from the Frank Zappa Tape Reviewing Society (I only picked the parts of the reviews that actually apply to the tracks above): 78-Oct-13 (late): 78-Oct-13 is sort of a legendary date for us FZ guitar solo fanatics. The late show is world famous for its extravagant string manglings, as I'm sure my esteemed colleague from Connecticut will tell you about below. The early show is not that widely circulated, but does indeed contain some incredibly inspired moments. One of the reasons might be spelled O'Hearn, making one of his great guest appearances. Unfortunately ... the last 30 min are disappointing, containing no more solos or surprises. Maybe FZ felt this too, that the show should have had another climax near the end. And man, did he change this for the late show... ~ JN SG review: It has proved very difficult for me to write this review, mainly because there are only so many times you can say 'amazing' before it gets old. This is one of the best tapes out there for hearing Frank's guitar. The other soloists are no slouches either, and Patrick has joined the band. Like Jason with the Fall 74 tour, I can't find a fault with this tape. For one thing, the opening solo is incredible, quite probably the best opening solo of the run. Frank is all over the place in terms of style, getting middle-eastern, bluesy, and then just pouring out notes. And did I mention Vinnie, Arthur, and Patrick are providing incredible backup that deserves a listen of its own? It even quotes Transylvania Boogie. What more can I say? Easy Meat has a meaner, more feedback-laden solo than we've heard so far in this tour, and FZ seems to actually use the high notes in his range for once. Bamboozled has Ike in good voice, and Denny with the first and better of his 2 slide solos for the evening. Frank apparently slammed some coffee before this show, as his solos are still full of fast, amazing energy. Intense. Suicide Chump has Denny singing (I always liked his vocals here), and a somewhat weak slide solo, before FZ once again tears into his guitar. A shame this song would turn routine. We then get a very fast, bouncy Yo Mama (maybe it's just my ears after listening to the slower Winter 78 versions). This is another incredible solo, with FZ riding the tri-part vamp for all it's worth. Plus, for once, he gets the segue exactly right! One of my favorite Yo Mama performances. But it's not over yet. Now we have the highlight of a highlight-filled show - Black Napkins. I really can't do justice to this performance. FZ plays his heart out for 8 minutes, then begins to wrap it up, and decides he wants to keep playing, so he does. 5 more minutes of Frank, then he hands it to Patrick for a few, then back with more - it's just jaw dropping. GET THIS TAPE, if only for this performance. Camarillo Brillo is its usual self, but Muffin Man sounds quite nasty tonight, with another feedback-filled solo. FZ asks the crowd if they want another song, but we sadly don't get to hear it as the tape ends there. I tried my best, but I probably sounded like a big fanboy. No matter. This tape is a must-have, some of FZ's best live solos. ~ SG