1975-December-1 or Late 1974 - Early 1975 * Tangerine Dream Tangerine Leaves Volume 66 (excerpt) Salle de Talence Bordeaux, France Disc 1 - 42.56 1 Part One 42.56 Edgar Froese, Chris Franke, Peter Baumann * Awhile ago, this show originally had a date of 76-Jan-21. I've since seen it listed as 76-Jan-12, 76-Dec-1, and now most recently as 75-Dec-1. It was also believed to be from 1974-1975. So, unless it has been confirmed as 75-Dec-1, the true date is still unknown. The Tangerine Tree/Leaves people are pretty knowledgeable, so maybe the date is now confirmed. To me, however, it still sounds more like the late 74 - early 75 period than the late 75 - early 76 period. That's just my current opinion. A note I found about this recording: The recording in circulation which is labelled as being on this date is not in fact a 1976 concert at all, but probably a French concert between the 14th and 20th September 1975, most probably from Bordeaux on either the 19th or 20th September 1975. It is not a part of the Reims concert on 23rd September 1975 because this is different music. --http://pfellows.club.fr/webpages/75-76.html The Tangerine Tree Project - 9th Jan 2002 to 17th Oct 2006 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangerine_Tree www.blackaxis.co.uk/tdtree www.tadream.net groups.yahoo.com/group/tadream