1975-October-30 Happy The Man WGTB Sounds Reasonable Program Georgetown University Washington, DC Disc 1 - 20.24 1 Leave That Kitten Alone Armone * > 5.38 2 Leave That Kitten Alone Armone * 2.49 3 Band Commentary 1.42 4 I Carve The Chariot On The Carousel 6.00 5 Death's Crown Pt 3 (fades out) 4.15 * It appears that the commentary heard while the song is playing comes from the DJ and friends, not the band members as I previously thought. This only applies to the muffled commentary while Kitten is playing. Track 3 is definitely the band members. Mike Beck Drums Rick Kennell Bass Kit Watkins Keyboards Stanley Whitaker Guitar, Vocals Frank Wyatt Keyboards, Wind Instruments The 75-Oct-30 performance is a studio recording playback (though NOT the officially released versions), not an actual live performance. My original thoughts for the commentary heard during the first song (Track 1 & 2). It looks like I was wrong: * recorded from the studio mic where the band is. You can hear the band members talk during the beginning of the song. Though inaudible for the most part, it is sweet to have, and somewhat uncommon, I would think.