1968 - 1972 Pink Floyd Video Upgrades Disc 1 - 144.08 Part 1: Kastival 1968 (Tienerklanken Belgian TV) 25.03 min 1 Intro featuring Rita Reijs + unknown Belgium bands 68-Aug-31 2 Mike Stuart Span " 3 unknown group " 4 Status Quo " 5 Spencer Davis Group " 6 unknown group " 7 Pink Floyd: Astronomy Domine + Interview " 8 Crazy World Of Arthur Brown: Nightmare + Interview " Part 2: original, uncut versions of video from French TV 109.31 min 1 Arnold Layne 67-May-21 2 Paint Box 68-Mar-3 3 Let There Be More Light 68-Oct-12 Corporal Clegg * " 4 Let There Be More Light 68-Nov-26 Flaming " 5 Careful With That Axe (inc) 70-May-30 Green Is The Colour " 6 Set The Controls 72-Jan-15 Part 3: Amsterdam Rock Circus (in colour) 9.34 min 1 Saucerful Of Secrets (inc) 72-May-22 =================================================== Part 1 info: 68-Aug-31 Kastival 1968 - Kasterlee, Belgium Part 2 info: 67-May-21 "Bouton Rouge" 68-Mar-3 "Discorama" (w/ full intro & outro) 68-Oct-12 "A L'Affiche Du Monde" (* Corporal Clegg is only audio) 68-Nov-26 "Tous En Scene" (full programm, w/ other artists) 70-May-30 "Monsier Cinema" (extract fr Amougies Festival; CWTA is incomplete + b/w) 72-Jan-15 "Rockenstock" (extract fr Amougies Festival) Part 3 info: 72-May-22 Amsterdam Rock Circus, Olympic Stadium - Amsterdam, Netherlands Notes that came with this recording: Part 1, Kastival 1968 Wonderful rare footage, featuring Pink Floyd. This clip appeared on "Belgian TV 68" HRV DVD, but the clip was downloaded from youtube and was in bad quality. Now I received from trader this extra rare footage in brilliant quality & in complete version. Part 2, French TV Upgrades This original, uncut versions of all popular video from French TV. Part 3, Amsterdam Amsterdam Rock Circus (1972) in colour ! Enjoy