1970-May-1 Pink Floyd 1st Generation Reel Civic Auditorium Santa Monica, CA Disc 1 - 44.10 1 Grantchester Meadows .31 2 Astronomy Domine 10.00 3 Cymbaline * 11.52 4 Atom Heart Mother 21.46 Disc 2 - 77.43 1 Tunings 1.07 2 The Embryo 12.52 3 Green Is The Colour 3.37 4 Careful With That Axe 9.22 5 Set The Controls 15.04 6 Interstellar Overdrive 14.50 7 Saucerful Of Secrets 20.47 Total time = 121.53 * There is a patch in Cymbaline at 1.59-2.17 with 70-Oct-23 Recording Equipment: Nagra R2R > 5" Reel Master Playback: Tandberg R2R > Revox B-77 > M.M.'s 1st Generation Reels Transfer: Reel[1] > Sony DAT > DAT(0) > Audigy 4 Pro > Nero Wav Editor > CDWav > CDR(0) > CDR(1) > EAC > FLAC Notes that came with this recording: Santa Monica 1.5.70 1st Generation Reel *COMPLETE* well, almost Source: Audience Sound: EX- Thanks a lot to Rudy and M.M. who provided this wonderful source, all credits to them. Ah, forget about any other version of this show. Forget even about the nice tracks from the Omay Yad LP. Straight from a 1st Generation Reel, comparing it to the other versions around wouldnt be fair for the other releases, because this never sounded as good as it does with this version. You wont find a better version of this concert till the master reels gets transferred. And as if this wasnt enough, now we can hear Green Is The Colour, Careful and Saucerful which weren't available till today. It gets a bit distorted on the louder parts but it's absolutely listenable and the definition is still very good, i can live with that. Bass is really good but lacks a bit of highs, still, it has excellent brightness and definition overall. Another source with better highs would make a even bigger difference. Only editing on this recording was on AD, removing some damaged portion at 4.16-4.20m and during Cymbaline, MM removed 'the lines converging where you stand' till the chorus part and patched it with a bif ot Santa Monica 70.Oct.23. The common 'Santa Monica' bootleg has the complete Cymbaline with the original drop-outs and cuts. Also, i have a couple of transfers from fan tapes that have some dropouts at the beginning of AD, that anomalies are not present here. Also, Careful has an skip at 2.36m and i think it might be missing around a minute cos it jumps suddenly from the quiet ambience to a few bars before the scream. ASoS has another skip towards the end. These skips/cuts are not from CDs. Spectrum reveals that something happened above the 16khz, i think it has something to do with the mics used that night, transfer equipment or the Reel itself. If you want more info about this, go to the thread i started about this here at Y. Anyway now you all will have it and will be able to make your own conclusions. M.M. states on his notes (you'll see them in the back artwork) that the reels were starting to deteriorate so that might be the true reason. burn one and enjoy -gbc