1970-December-4/5 Pink Floyd Pink Room Corrosion ORTF TV Studios Paris, France Disc 1 - 6.05 1 Corrosion > Embryo 6.05 (inc) FLAC Notes that came with this recording: Got this from Just add Cones. Never seen this before and it was quite a sensation to me. Just add cones says: "The legendary Pink Room film was recorded on 70-Dec-4/5 and broadcast on 71-Jan-2. This is the only known film of the Floyd playing Corrosion. One really wonderful moment is seeing Nick run over to play the strings of Rick's piano. A colour film of the "classic" Floyd playing a rare tune without an audience.... It just doesn't get better than this, folks." I have added a restored version of the music. I added some HF-content to it and EQed it.