1972-November King Crimson Improvisations (Reel Masters-002) Disc 1 - 46.53 1 No Pussyfooting 2.01 72-Nov-10 * 2 Larks' Tongues 1 > 10.04 3 Book Of Saturday 3.21 4 Fripp Talks 1.16 5 Tuning .25 6 Improvisations > 29.09 7 Exiles .33 inc Disc 2 - 46.09 1 Intro 1.31 72-Nov-25 * 2 Larks' Tongues 1 12.36 3 Fripp Talks 1.29 4 Tuning 1.00 5 Book Of Saturday > 2.52 6 Improvisations > 19.30 7 Exiles 7.07 * 72-Nov-10: Technical College - Hull, England * 72-Nov-25: New Theatre - Oxford, England Bill Bruford Drums David Cross Violin Robert Fripp Guitar, Mellotron Jamie Muir Percussion John Wetton Bass, Vocals Notes that came with this recording: 2 partial shows from November '72 tour featuring now legendary percussionist, Jamie Muir. This would be a nice companion to DGM's Live In Guildford that captures the same tour. Sound quality is decent enough for early 70s mono audience tape - you'll make out Muir's playing far and wide. Highlights are two long improvisations on which Muir plays an important key role as the driving force of the band. Nice stuff. Enjoy! Silver CD--> xACT (secure) --> Wav --> Flac (level 8) Notes about this recording from the great King Crimson Live site: Several years ago, I heard a strange rumor - a certain Japanese music critic (KM) has recorded a couple of KC shows in 1972 fall/winter tour. A few weeks later, a CDR was sent to me from an anonymous person (how he could get my address is another mystery), and I found it contained the 45 miniute recording of the 1972/11/25 Oxford show, among others. It was a quite clear audience recording, considering the age it was recorded. I have never heard of such clear one in this tour. The package was also containing the message - "You should not list it in your web page, nor tell it to anyone". So I've been keeping silence to this date. Or should I say I've been forgetting it?? Time flies like an arrow and it was early April 2004. When I visited a record store in Nishi-Shinjuku, the owner of the store has kindly shown me an open-reel master tape, saying it's one of the the rarest King Crimson recordings which has never been outside the vault. As soon as I saw the date and the setlist, I remembered this recoding. "Oh, I have it!". He told me that this was going to be released after 3 weeks. Now, the tape was released publicly as a bootleg, also including the Hull show, I do not have to keep silence anymore. The occasional microphone noises implies it's the same recording as what was sent to me (But my CDR sounds a bit clearer ??). As I described above, it's not the "recordings no one ever heard" as this production says - it was actually shared silently among the KC enthusiasts in Japan. The copies of this release are 300 only, so I hope it will be in the KCCC eventually.