1977-September-28 2nd Set (complete - 60 min) Brand X Glass Onion Rochester, NY Disc 1 - 75.56 1 Smacks Of Euphoric Hysteria > 11.54 (3.40) Disco Suicide (1) 2 Earth Dance 7.29 (2) 3 Malaga Virgen 9.42 (3) 4 Access To Data 7.17 (4) 5 Why Should I Lend You Mine 11.02 (5) 6 Deadly Nightshade 12.32 (6) (7) 7 Percy Jones 15.57 86-June-14 * * 1986-June-14: The Kitchen - New York, NY Kenwood Dennard Drums John Goodsall Guitar Percy Jones Bass Robin Lumley Keyboards Morris Pert Percussion Notes that came with this release: Lineage: Pre-FM ½ track master-> cassette-> wav-> soundforge remastering -> cd -> EAC -> flac (sector align/verify level 7) As a part time DJ at WCMF back then, I had access to the reel to reel tape cabinet. On the overnight shifts I would run cassette copies of shows I liked. This was one of the first... Enjoy, share, and more may be forthcoming!! (1) Hello. Welcome to Brand X, once again. And that includes all you people out there with radio sets too. That was a tune, a tune, in tune called Disco Suicide from the Morrocan plug Roll album plug, plug, plug (2) And the one isn't on any records, and it won't break any either. But it's a tune written by Mr. Morris basher Pert over there. And it's called Earth Dance. [Goodsall] Thank you. Thank you. (3) [Goodsall] Now we're going to do a tune which was on an album called Morrocan Roll. This one is written by Percy Jones. It's called Malaga Virgen. (4) [Goodsall] Thank you. This is a (5) [Goodsall] This next one's a Phil Collins rif mostly. It's called Why Should I Lend You Mine... Thank you. (6) Our last epic for the night is a tune, which we haven't recorded yet but we'll do so on our next studio album around January. [in response to an audience 'yeah'] Good good, somebody's gonna buy it anyway. That's one copy apart from me Mum. And the tune is called Deadly Nightshade. Thanks very much for coming. We bid you a very good night! (7) Comment made after the above comment, made when the group returns after an appropriate amount of time and applause, apparently to play an encore, but... Sorry radio. Look, I'm oh so sorry, but there's been a slight accident. You know Percy, el basso player extrodiane. Well, he's done something to his finger. If you see the blood. He's really burst two blisters and he really can't play any more. Well, I'm really very sorry about this. We'd have been happy to do another tune for you [Goodsall says "Two. Two more"] or two more tunes even. But there's no way we can because poor old Percy is, rather had it. So, I'm terribly sorry to disappoint you but we can't play without Percy. So I'm sorry about this. But thanks anyway. [applause and quick fade out]