1977-September-28 1st Show Brand X Nightmore Patrol Glass Onion Rochester, New York Disc 1 - 72.52 1 Why Should I Lend You Mine 10.47 2 Deadly Nightshade 11.00 3 Nightmare Patrol (8.11) Band Intro 11.13 4 Nuclear Burn 6.39 5 Access To Data * 12.27 78-Aug-30 6 Deadly Nightshade * 20.43 " * From 78-Aug-30 Stockhom, Sweden Nightshade is incomplete (complete song is 27.47 !) (see Note below) For 77-Sept-28 show: For 78-Aug-30 show: Kenwood Dennard Drums Chuck Burgi Drums John Goodsall Guitar Percy Jones Bass Percy Jones Bass Mike Miller Guitar Robin Lumley Keyboards Morris Pert Percussion Morris Pert Percussion Peter Robinson Keyboards Notes about the 78-Aug-30 material: Access To Data: Comparing some distinctive parts of the song to my 78-Aug-30 recording, the two were a match. The audience noise when the song ends, as well as Robinson's comment, are completely identical. Deadly Nightshade: Again, comparing many parts of the two recordings show them to be a match. In terms of the 6.21 min time difference between the two (my 78-Aug-30 one is 27.04 min long), most of the difference is in the drum solo section. On this recording, the drum section is roughly from 10.40 - 14.27, while on my 78-Aug-30 recording is 11.03 - 19.46. The difference in length is due to at least three cuts which occur at 11.12, 11.58, and 13.46. So, roughly 5 mins is accounted for in the cut drum section. Thankfully it is only the drum solo that is cut. However, in the first edit (at 11.12), the producers cut most of Morris Pert's solo. As I think he is a superb percussionist, this would be more interesting to listen to. To me, staight drums solos usually start getting old after the first 10 seconds. While not earth shatteringly exciting, percussion playing is more varied and thus more interesting to me. Another 1 min. is due to this recording fading out before the end of the song. The remaining 30 seconds is from the missing beginning of the song and a possible speed difference between the two, though neither recording sounds fast or slow. In terms of SQ, this recording is a little more muted than the 78-Aug-30 one. However, while the 78-Aug-30 is brighter, it also suffers from more crackles than this one.