1977-November-28 Brand X Old Waldorf San Francisco, CA Disc 1 - 56.01 1 Isis Mourning intro (2.41) > 10.32 Disco Suicide (1) 2 Access To Data 8.21 (2) 3 Malaga Virgen 11.45 (3) 4 Earth Dance 7.33 (4) 5 Euthanasia Waltz 6.02 6 Deadly Nightshade 11.46 (5) (1) Thank you and welcome to another evening of strange goings-on with Brand X. That was a tune called Disco Suicide, which reflects our feeling this end of the tour. And the next tune is one called Access to Data, or if you prefer Darth Vadar (2) (Goodsall) Thank you, thank you, ou ou ou! This next tune was off MR. It's called Malaga Virgen. (audiene "You can get as weird as you like"). (Lumley?) It's not that good! (3) The next tune is another piece of nonsense from us called Earth Dance. (4) Thank you. We'd like to go back to the UB album (in Scotish voice) once again and find a tune on there called Euthanasia Waltz. (5) [fades in, mumbles] during this interesting converstion, which I'm sure I'm missing, which is full of vital import for the next tune, which is called Deadly Nightshade We thank you very much and wish you a very good night. And thank you for your welcome. Kenwood Dennard Drums John Goodsall Guitar Percy Jones Bass Robin Lumley Keyboards Morris Pert Percussion Disco Suicide opens with the Isis Mourning intro