1977-August-5 Modified Brand X Hammersmith Odeon London, England Disc 1 - 39.54 1 Isis Mourning Opening > 12.57 Disco Suicide 2 Nightmare Patrol 7.50 Livestock 3 Malaga Virgen > 4.29 possibly on Livestock 4 Malaga Virgen cont 4.31 " 5 Deadly Nightshade 10.04 Phil Collins Percussion (see below) Kenwood Dennard Drums John Goodsall Guitar Percy Jones Bass Robin Lumley Keyboards Morris Pert Percussion Since this recording is lacking in almost all lower frequencies, I used Roxio's Sound Editor EQ Equalizer to boost the lowest 5 frequency bands by the Max (14) and the 6th lowest by 5. I did this FIVE times in a row in an effort to bring out even a little bit of bass. I then cut the signal to 90 % to reduce the strength of the signal a bit. I then tackled Deadly Nightshade, which is chock full of dropouts. This was a bear and did not remove all dropouts. By cutting out the bad sections, I ended up cutting out 12 seconds of the song. Overall, it is now a much better sounding recording than before. I did this because it is a stellar performance and worth having in better condition. I read the following on someone's long gone web site about this show: "This gig features Kenwood Dennard playing drums, Morris Pert plays first percussion; Phil Collins plays second percussion. Phil makes his entrance during the first number, to rapturous applause!. This is the complete performance, it being a short set as they were support act for Stanley Clarke." So, I listened to the first track for this and sure enough around the 9.30 min, 10.15 min, and 11.15 min marks, you hear some sustained applause. Also, I have to say that the drumming and percussion at this show is phenomenal, which may add weight to there being 3 percussionists playing !