1977-August-5 2nd Gen Brand X Hammersmith Odeon London, England Disc 1 - 41.20 1 Isis Mourning Opening (3.15) > 13.44 Disco Suicide 2 Nightmare Patrol 7.58 Livestock 3 Malaga Virgen 8.57 Livestock 4 Deadly Nightshade 10.39 Phil Collins Percussion (see below) Kenwood Dennard Drums John Goodsall Guitar Percy Jones Bass Robin Lumley Keyboards Morris Pert Percussion I read the following on someone's web site who seemed to know what he was talking about: "This gig features Kenwood Dennard playing drums, Morris Pert plays first percussion; Phil Collins plays second percussion. Phil makes his entrance during the first number, to rapturous applause!. This is the complete performance, it being a short set as they were support act for Stanley Clarke." So, I listened to the first track for this and sure enough around the 9.30 min, 10.15 min, and 11.15 min marks, you hear some sustained applause. Also, I have to say that the drumming and percussion at this show is phenomenal, which may add weight to there being 3 percussionists playing !