1977-August-5 Brand X Hammersmith Odeon London, England Disc 1 - 40.03 1 Isis Mourning Opening > 12.57 Disco Suicide 2 Nightmare Patrol 7.50 the same as Livestock 3 Malaga Virgen > 4.29 " 4 Malaga Virgen (cont) 4.31 " 5 Deadly Nightshade 10.16 Kenwood Dennard Drums John Goodsall Guitar Percy Jones Bass Robin Lumley Keyboards Morris Pert Percussion This is an audience recording and is lacking in the lower frequencies. As a result, Percy Jones' presence is not felt. However, the rest of the group are relatively clear. Morris Pert and the drummer are great. Morris in particular is all over the place, adding depth and subtlety to everything. Nightmare Patrol is the same as Livestock, though you hear more of the opening scream effect here. However, the sound is dramatically different between the two. Livestock has much better bass and is soundboard. This one is thin in bass, has audience noise, and suffers from dropouts. The lack of bass is the biggest flaw in this recording, which is a shame, as Percy is such an engaging bass player and adds so much to their sound. That said, I find this recording to be more revealing, open, and dynamic than Livestock. Comparing the two Nightmare Patrol's (NP), the Livestock recording sounds rather dull. All frequencies are compressed and closed in. While Percy is obviously more noticeable, Morris Pert is reduced to being barely audible. His contribution to NP is not really heard. On this recording, the sound and higher frequencies open up and greater dynamics are heard. As a result, a lot of previously unheard sounds and subtleties are revealed. Hence, though they may be from the same performance, they sound very different.