1975-March-17 John Abercrombie (Gateway Trio) Hamburg, Germany Disc 1 - 58.02 1 DJ .26 2 ESP 17.07 3 Jamala 8.33 * 4 May Dance 18.25 5 DJ .13 6 Shadow Dance (inc) 13.16 (fr 75-Mar-13) John Abercrombie Guitar Jack DeJohnette Drums Dave Holland Bass * The radio announcer said this was Ralph's Piano Waltz but it is actually Jamala This recording was traded to me with a date of 75-Mar-17 (Hamburg). I've never seen this date existing other than from the guy I got it from. I did a song by song comparison with my 75-Mar-10 and 75-Mar-13 recordings and only found one song's performance (Shadow Dance, which is incomplete here) to be identical (same as on 75-Mar-13, which is complete). The odd thing is that Here is a song by song comparison to 75-Mar-13 (2CD): 1 ESP Not on 75-Mar-13 2 Jamala Different fr 75-Mar-13 D1_T1 3 May Dance Different fr 75-Mar-13 D1_T3 4 Shadow Dance Same as 75-Mar-13 D2_T2 (complete version) Complete 75-Mar-13 show: Set 1 Shadow Dance Unshielded Desire Four Winds Set 2 ESP Moor May Dance Back-Woods Song Set 3 Bb Blues Timeless Ralph's Piano Waltz Remembering