1975-March-13 John Abercrombie (Gateway Trio) Onkel Po's Hamburg, Germany Disc 1 - 75.23 1 Jamala 5.29 2 Sorcery 30.09 3 Four Winds 14.39 4 Bessie's Blues 25.05 Disc 2 - 64.36 1 Back Woods Song 8.22 2 Shadow Dance 33.55 3 Moor 15.18 4 Remembering 7.00 Disc 3 - 52.38 1 Bessie's Blues 23.13 2 Timeless 13.26 3 Ralph's Piano Waltz 7.23 4 Remembering 8.35 Disc 1+2: FM Broadcast Disc 3: glasnostrd19's cassette source Notes that came with Discs 1+2: I have received this via trade a couple of times, and this is by far the best sounding. Years ago, I digitized a cassette I got in a tape trade with a huge trader in Germany and it may have been more complete but it had some hiss and tinniness problems. I sent the remastered cd back to him and also traded it with a bunch of others, so I suspect one version that is circulating is actually my original. This one which I got recently, sounds much better, with only a bit of tinniness (mostly in the first tune) but it seems to have a few fadeouts and may be missing a tune. I don't own enough of the old Gateway records to do a song analysis, but I am hoping someone else does. I have been delaying seeding this for soooo long just because of the tracklist, but decided its silly to wait any longer and will hope you can help me out. This isn't perfect, but the performance simply kicks ass. I performed the track cuts, and I don't think I got them all, but its close. It won't match the checksum of any versions you may have traded for.